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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

The Drop

The Drop is your source for all things craft. 

Meet our crew: Bearmy

Erica Sagon

Meet our crew: get to know the awesome bears that make Cardinal Spirits possible!

Bearmy. Photos by Anna Powell Denton

Bearmy. Photos by Anna Powell Denton


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Chief Morale Officer at Cardinal Spirits

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Hi, Bearmy! Tell us about your role at Cardinal Spirits.

Sometimes you need to hear “You’re doing great, kid,” or “Keep your chin up” from a bear. Or, you need a bear hug. I’m your bear. I spend a lot of time looking out the window at Cardinal Spirits, quietly reminding folks to shop small and mask up.

Where are you from? Where have you lived?

Tennessee, near the Georgia state line.

Any family members you’d like to introduce?

Mama Bear and Baby Bear.

Bearmy with co-workers (L to R): Ben Samuelson, Kenzie Vaughan, and Rick Mellinger.

Bearmy with co-workers (L to R): Ben Samuelson, Kenzie Vaughan, and Rick Mellinger.

Tell us about a skill that you have outside of work.

Sleeping for months at a time and stealing picnic baskets.

What's your favorite Cardinal Spirits product?

Honey Schnapps! Too on the nose? I can’t help it. It’s delicious.

Can you recommend a podcast, movie, book, TV show, album, subscription, etc. that you consumed recently and liked? We’re all looking for good recs right now!

Grizzly Man. Charmin commercials are my guilty pleasure. I’m also a vintage Care Bears fan.

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Coffee shop order? 

Honey with a splash of tea

What’s your favorite midnight snack? 

Fresh salmon. Black raspberries.

Most used-emoji? 


Favorite Condiment? 

I know what you’re thinking. But: it’s hot sauce.

Want to give a shout-out to anyone? 

Shout out to Dolly the Mash Tun, she's always got my back.

Thanks, Bearmy! We are so lucky to have you on our team!