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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  


Cardinal at Meijer

We're very excited to be launching our line of spirits into 28 Meijer stores throughout Indiana. 

And we've got a special treat for early birds who spot our spirits in Meijer stores...

Social media friends, here's what to do:

Rules of the GAME

  1. Snap a photo of our Bramble, Vodka, or Standard Dry Gin at your local Meijer store. We are interested in seeing their placement - their position on the shelf or endcap.
  2. Send us your photo. Either email it to or post it to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter...just make sure you remember to tell us where you took the photo!
  3. For each of the 28 Meijer locations in Indiana, we pick one winning photo...
  4. Winner gets either a free t-shirt, or a free copper Moscow Mule mug with our engraved logo.

Have a question? Ask us on Facebook or via email at

Thanks for playing, and thanks for your support!

The Cardinal Crew


PS. This is the schedule of launch dates we received from Meijer, in case you don't see us at your store yet:

5020 Grape RD, Mishawaka,IN, 4/13/2016

5349 Pike Plaza RD, IndianapolisIN, 4/13/2016

8375 E. 96thIndianapolisIN4/13/2016

611 US 30MerrillvilleIN4/14/2016

5909 Illinois RdFort WayneIN4/14/2016

150 S. Marlin DRGreenwoodIN4/14/2016

4901 SR26LafayetteIN4/15/2016

5600 New Margaret AveTerre HauteIN4/19/2016

2301 E. Markland AveKokomoIN4/19/2016

10301 SR 37 (Maysville RD)Fort WayneIN4/20/2016

1425 W. Carmel DrCarmelIN4/20/2016

6650 Whitestown PKWYWhitestownIN4/20/2016

3610 S Bremen HGWYMishawakaIN4/20/2016

5325 E. Southport RDIndianapolisIN4/21/2016

3820 S. Western AVEMarionIN4/22/2016

4522 Elkhart RDGoshenIN4/27/2016

11351 E. WashingtonIndianapolisIN4/27/2016

400 Dan Jones RdPlainfieldIN4/28/2016

2636 US 52 (Sagamore Pkwy)LafayetteIN4/29/2016

1200 Lake City HwyWarsawIN4/29/2016

5150 S. FranklinMichigan CityIN4/29/2016

3600 North Portage RDSouth BendIN5/4/2016

6610 Scatterfield RdAndersonIN5/4/2016

4206 Charleston RdNew AlbanyIN5/5/2016

10138 Indianapolis BlvdHighlandIN5/5/2016

6260 McGalliard RDMuncieIN5/13/2016