HARDBOILED MURDER MYSTERY by MXMW Murder Mysteries — Cardinal Spirits

Live comedy, Bingo Brunch, weekly trivia — check out our March events!

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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  


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  • Cardinal Spirits 922 South Morton Street Bloomington, IN, 47403 United States (map)

Is Clue one of your favorite movies? Do you like dressing up, getting into character, and having a good time? Check out Mid By Midwest Murder Mysteries at Cardinal Spirits! 

It is 1949 in America during the post World War Two boom of economy, family values, and patriotism. But beneath the facade of the golden era of prosperity lays the seamy underbelly of society. On a dead end street is the Blind Olive, a squalid gin joint where moral ambiguity is as thick as the wafting cigar smoke. You have been invited to a private party by the saloon's owner, a two-bit private eye by the name of Ford Rawlins. Inside, a big band plays swinging jazz while slick young men in zoot-suits jitterbug with beautiful bombshells performing elaborate twirls and dips. Trouble makers with troubled pasts swig whiskey sitting on well worn bar stools next to double-crossing dames. Corrupt politicians warn slumming socialites that the Communist red menace hides around every corner. It is a sultry and sordid scene that you know all to well. The problem is, one of you is a murderer.

Your ticket includes: (Must be 21+)
* Admission to the murder mystery in the distillery of Cardinal Spirits.
* A custom written character. (You will receive a brief description of your character ahead of time for costuming purposes.)
* Hor d'oeuvres buffet.
* Your choice of a Cardinal Spirits specialty cocktail.
* A chance to win prizes from Cardinal Spirits and Mid By Midwest Murder Mysteries.

How it works:

* Each player receives a custom character sheet with information pertaining to themselves, other characters, and the plot.

* The players are split into teams and tasked with utilizing their clues, their teammates' clues, and information that they gain from the game, to deduce the identity of the killer and the motive. There may be other mysteries to solve following the same format.

* The game progresses in rounds. Each one reveals more clues to the players and allows time for them to mingle with other characters, follow up on leads, and question each other about clues. After three rounds have been completed the teams will have time to discuss and attempt to solve the crime.

* Each team will then choose a spokesperson to tell the group who they think is the killer and the motive for the murder. The true plot will then be revealed and the winning team will be awarded prizes from Mid By Midwest Murder Mysteries and Cardinal Spirits.

All characters, plots, and game design created by Mid By Midwest Murder Mysteries.

For more info please email MXMWmurdermysteries@gmail.com

Purchase your tickets today!

Earlier Event: August 28
Sun-Gay Brunch
Later Event: September 29
Terra Gin Release