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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

High Proof Laughs

Distillery Events

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High Proof Laughs

  • Cardinal Spirits 922 South Morton Street Bloomington, IN, 47403 United States (map)

High Proof Laughs is our annual series of live comedy nights at the distillery, in collaboration with the one-and-only Limestone Comedy Festival! Join us for delicious craft cocktails and an amazing line up: headliner Gwen Sunkel, along with opening comedians Ethan Hamilton, Minka Wiltz, and Simon Mayer. And, emcee Mat Alano Martin from Limestone Comedy Festival.

When: Sunday, March 30, 6-9pm (doors open at 6pm; show starts at 7pm)
Where: Cardinal Spirits, 922 S. Morton St.
Tickets: $10 tickets benefit New Hope for Families, which provides shelter and early learning programs for families in Bloomington

Cocktail and dinner menu available

About our headliner:

Gwen Sunkel is a comedian, event emcee, and character actor from Indianapolis. She performs regularly at Helium Comedy Club where she was crowned the Funniest Person in Indiana 2024. You’ve heard her on Sirius XM and The Bob & Tom Show and she appeared on the Vice TV Series ‘Hunters.’ Her albums ‘No More Tears’ and ‘A Two Person Job’ debuted at #1 on the Apple Music and Amazon charts. Gwen has written for AWF Magazine and her comedy has been featured on Buzzfeed and EBaum’s World. 

About our opening comedians:

Ethan Hamilton: A Bloomington native, Ethan has been doing stand up comedy throughout the country the last 5 years. When he isn't doing stand up he owns and operates "Dirty Coins," an internet scam business that buys people's dirty coins through the mail.

Minka Wiltz: A native of Atlanta and a trained opera singer who was raised in a one person cult.

Simon Mayer: Writer, comedian, and content creator attending Indiana University. He can be found on TikTok under the username @sparklinghosewater, where his energetic, self-acted comedy sketches have amassed over 230 million views and caught the attention of comedians and stars like Rachel Zegler, Lizzy McAlpine, and The Basement Yard’s Joe Santagato.

Earlier Event: March 30
High Proof Laughs
Later Event: April 2
Wednesday Trivia