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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

Cardinal Spirits CSA

Cardinal Spirits CSA is a quarterly subscription. For every new season, we create a special featured cocktail using one of our own distilled spirits. We print out the recipe on 4x6 postcards, and then box up all the ingredients needed to create it. 

Our inaugural CSA box contains a bottle of our Bramble (our delicious black raspberry and hibiscus spirit), four bottles of ginger ale, a bunch of fresh locally grown lemon balm from Stranger's Hill Organic Farm, two Valencia oranges, and a bottle of Fee Brothers West Indian Orange bitters. 

What do you do with all of that wonderful stuff, you ask?

Make yourself a Vernal Lullaby:

1 1/2 ounces Bramble
Ginger ale
Orange slices
Lemon balm
Orange bitters

Half-fill a Collins glass with ice, a couple slices of orange and a sprig of lemon balm. Add the Bramble and bitters, then top up the glass with ginger ale. Stir gently and add additional ice if necessary. Garnish with a slice of orange.

Quarterly = $70

A 750ml bottle of Cardinal Spirits, mixers, bitters, and fresh fruit or botanicals. Everything you need to make the featured cocktail, including a beautiful recipe card. Pickup in Indy or at the distillery in Bloomington.