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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

Growth Brand Package

Copack Clients

Growth Brand Package

DALL·E 2024-08-22 13.31.55 - An image representing the 'Growth' package for a contract manufacturing business in the spirits industry. The image should reflect the pinnacle of qua.png
DALL·E 2024-08-22 13.31.55 - An image representing the 'Growth' package for a contract manufacturing business in the spirits industry. The image should reflect the pinnacle of qua.png

Growth Brand Package

  • 3 rounds of R&D (4-6 weeks)

  • Brand Consultation, Packaging Design, and Specification

  • TTB Formula and COLA Submission

  • BOM Sourcing of Ultra-Premium Spirits and Packaging Options

  • 1,000 bottle initial production run

  • Sales & Marketing Plan Development

  • Distribution Consulting

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The Growth Package is designed for brands that are ready to scale and dominate their market with a truly premium offering. With this package, you’ll receive 1,000 cases of an ultra-premium spirit, carefully crafted to meet the highest standards of quality. Your product will be presented in ultra-premium packaging that exudes luxury and sophistication, setting your brand apart as a leader in the industry. From selecting the finest ingredients to designing packaging that commands attention, our team will work with you to ensure every detail reflects the prestige of your brand. The Growth Package is perfect for brands looking to make a bold statement and capture the attention of discerning consumers. With this level of commitment, your brand will be poised for significant market penetration and long-term success.