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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

The Drop

The Drop is your source for all things craft. 


Erica Sagon

Imagine what hummingbirds taste when they drink nectar from flowers.

That's the gist of our newest spirit, Flora, which makes its debut on Saturday at the distillery (join the party). It's light and fresh, floral and sweet — in a word, lovely. We'll have it for sale by the bottle, and we'll be serving it in new cocktails.

Flora is our sixth bottled spirit, and the second in our Songbird series of liqueurs, which are made with botanical ingredients. We tested several combos of botanicals before landing on this balanced, beautiful nectar, made with hibiscus, jasmine blossoms, fresh raspberries and elderflower.


See you on Saturday, our little hummingbirds!